

Enterprise Security Management

What is Physical Security in Enterprise Security Management?

Key Features of Enterprise Security Management:

  • IP Video Surveillance
  • Building Automation
  • Elevator Control
  • Carpark Management
  • Visitor Management

To define security in enterprise management, you need to consider both physical security and cybersecurity. Physical security is about protecting the people, physical assets and infrastructure of the business, while security is about a range of measures to mitigate risks and ensure safety.

What Server Hosting Options Are Available for the Enterprise Physical Security Management System?

The SMS server can be hosted on site for maximum security and local control. This is ideal for organisations with in-house IT support and a separate security network, based on their specific security requirements.

On site hosting can be done with a physical server or a virtual machine (VM) to make best use of shared IT resources. More and more companies are outsourcing these hosting services to data centres. In these cases, hosting the SMS in a cloud server is a good option. For example, companies with high data sensitivity may prefer on site hosting to have maximum control over their security environment.

How Does a Security Management System (SMS) Survive a Server Failure?

Server hardware can fail in many ways like CPU overheating or hard disk crashes. So, to make the SMS survive a server failure, the Server Failover module is required. This software module does database copying, heartbeat monitoring and automatic switch over from primary server to backup server.

If primary server fails, the backup server is activated immediately and takes over all the services. Then, it reconnects to access controllers and operator workstations, ensuring the system continues to work normally and the security measures are not compromised.

How Does a Security Management System (SMS) Handle Multiple Locations?

For companies with multiple branches or functions, a centrally hosted server can delegate operational responsibility to each branch using the Security Area (SA) module. Each area can be a virtual independent security centre with its own administrator in full control.

This is ideal for companies with a head office and multiple branches/subsidiaries or distributed functions like manufacturing, warehousing, workshops and retail. Additionally, this modular approach allows each branch to manage its own security needs while being part of a single system, such as in case of distributed functions like manufacturing and retail.

Conducting a risk assessment of your own business is crucial to identify your unique vulnerabilities and tailor your security measures accordingly.

How Does the Security Management System (SMS) Integrate With SAP or Other HR Systems?

The HR Database Integrator (HRDI) module syncs employee data from most human resource management systems (HRMS) with the IBSSweb. Any changes in employee data in the HRMS are seamlessly registered in the IBSSweb database. HRDI also assigns predefined access rights to new employees as per HR policy and removes access rights for resigned employees.

As a result, this automation significantly improves productivity in managing employee movements and payroll administration, increases operational efficiency. Logging and monitoring of activities on the network is also important for accountability and oversight in security management.

How to Auto Disable Login Access When a User Resigns?

The Security Management System (SMS) supports Active Directory (AD) for Single Sign-On (SSO) as a security feature. When a user logs on to the workstation, the system checks the online active directory and uses the user’s credentials to map the corresponding access rights in the SMS. When the user’s rights in the active directory are removed upon resignation, all the corresponding access rights including access to the SMS software are removed.

This ensures that security is maintained without manual intervention. For example, when a user resigns, their access rights are removed immediately, maintaining the security of the system.

System Architecture

Enterprise security management system architecture
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